Tuesday, January 29, 2008

First Appointment

Well, I had my first apt. today. It went well. We had to go through a "counseling" session where they ask you all these questions about your history and stuff since this is a different doctor than who delivered Wesley. We were there for TWO hours! We were able to listen and see the baby's heartbeat on ultrasound. It reminded me of the first time we saw Wesley's heartbeat. I did find out I have a tilted uterus, which isn't anything bad, it just means my uterus is tilted and it should correct itself after the first trimester. My other doctors never told me this, I guess b/c it wasn't a big deal. The due date is September 14 (seems like a long way away to me). My dad came down to watch Wesley for us and they had a good time. Of course, "pa" lets him do just about anything he want to do, right dad?:) He didn't even want to come to me when we got home but wanted to be with pa.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It's too cold!

Me,I hate cold weather. Mark on the other hand, loves it. It's suppose to get to 26 tonight, which really isn't that cold for some people, but it is for me. Like, my friend Amanda who lives in Colorado. That's probably warm to her, right, Amanda?:) Well, another reason I don't like it is b/c I don't take Wesley outside as much to play and we're forced to stay inside more. He has had a runny nose for the past few days so I'm trying not to make it worse too. I'll be so glad when its spring.
Well, my first doctor's apt. is tuesday and I will be 7 weeks saturday. I've been having some nausea at different times during the day, but really just in the morning. No vomiting though, which I didn't have with Wesley either. Certain smells bother me and I really haven't wanted any meat either. I'll update after my apt. These pictures are just recent ones. The second one is of Wesley and a girl from church, Hannah, in Wesley's room. The third one is of Wesley shoveling, down at what use to be a nazarene church that we're trying to fix up for an outreach place. The fourth is of Mark and Wesley at home chilling.




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Sunday, January 13, 2008


For those of you who don't know yet, I thought I would go ahead and announce officially that I'm pregnant. We were going to wait a little longer but decided to go ahead and tell. I'm only about 5 weeks and the due date will probably be around september sometime. Just thought ya'll would want to know.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas Eve

Here's some pictures of christmas eve when my parents came. For some reason, I didn't even take any pictures of my parents. Their of Wesley on his 4 wheeler, (Notice his cup holder with his cup in it. He kept taking a drink and putting it back in over and over.It was cute), and his new Thomas couch that makes noises and plays the thomas song, and of mark about to open his present. Enjoy!




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Long Overdue

I've been putting off blogging because I have wanted to be able to put more than 4 pictures on here at a time but still haven't figured it out yet. I thought I should go ahead or I'll forget what happend over christmas. We left christmas day to go to tennessee to spend with Mark's parents. My parents came on christmas eve and we opened presents from them then. Christmas morning, I thought Wesley felt a little warm, but never took his temp. b/c we were in such a hurry to get on the road. Well, we get there in tenn. late that afternoon and opened presents. Wesley was acting fine. It wasn't until during the night that I realized he had a high temp. So, we ended up taking him to the er twice while we were there just for precautions. We took him twice b/c his fever wasn't going down and the first time they couldn't find what was wrong. Thankfully, one of the er doctors went to my in-laws church and he helped us out. Wesley had an ear infection but when we got back home, our pediatrician told us he had "fifth disease" which she said is very common and alot of the times you don't know you have it. It goes away on its own. It can cause ear infections. I felt so bad for Wesley. He just has a hard time being away from home and not being in his own bed too. That made it worse. We were able to spend time with Micahel, mark's brother, and mark's grandparents, whom we haven't seen in a year. It was a good visit but stressful b/c of Wesley's sickness. Here are just 4 of the many pictures that I have. Wesley got a train set from pops and nana and a thomas couch and a little atv from my parents. I'll try to post more pictures later.




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