Saturday, February 21, 2009

Little Mr. Mischevious

I just had to post about this. Tonight, Wesley went to his potty as he does every night now before he goes to bed. Well, when he finished, he said he had to go again. So, he sat down and also said he wanted some water. So, Mark brought him his cup of water. I went in there to check on him and saw him trying to pour the water in the potty! There have actually been about 2 times when I have given him his water before and he said he went pee pee and I looked and noticed that it wasn't yellow(sorry if that's tmi).Anyway, I tried to explain to him that if that's what he was doing then that was wrong to let mommy think that it was pee pee, and that it's wrong to lie. Part of it was also probably because he was just curious, and that he might have not really known what he was doing.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Quad's laughing

This is hilarious!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Wesley is getting good about going to the potty now every night before bedtime and then before his naptime. He still is not too keen about going during the day but hopefully, he will eventually get there. I'm not going to push him too much but let him do it at his own time.

Luke is doing good and is such a good baby. He's been a little more fussy than normal lately though, I think he's teething. He still sleeps in our room at night and am I planning on moving him to his room the second week in March. The reason for that is that we are going to St. Simons the first week in March and if I moved him to his room now,then we go away and come back, he would be even more messed up with his schedule. Here are some recent pics of the boys.

Luke in his car seat

Wesley in his car seat.

I thought this was a neat picture. Wesley is laying in the bathtub filled with bubbles.
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Monday, February 2, 2009

Slowly but surely

Tonight, as I was getting Wesley's pajamas on him, I asked him if he had to go potty. I told him I would read him one of his favorite books to him while he sits on the potty, "Morris the Moose goes to school." Usually when I tell him that he'll go, "no,no." Well, tonight, he wanted to so, I read to him for like 15 minutes. He kept saying, "I'm about to pee pee" but never did. Then, he wanted to read CARS. So I went and got it and told Mark, for us to leave him alone for a little bit to see if he wanted some privacy. Well, right when we walked away he said, "mommy,I pee peed," and sure enough he did. After I got his pajamas & diaper all back on him again, he said he has to go pee pee again. I thought he might just be trying to delay his bedtime but we let him try again and immediately he did it again. So, hopefully this is good progress and will continue.

Wesley playing with all of his cars on Luke's high chair.

Luke taking a bath in the sink.

The only picture I have been able to get of luke smiling. Of course, he has carrots all over his mouth. It's still cute.
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