Thursday, August 27, 2009

Poor Baby!

We got back from Kentucky and Tennessee last week because Mark's grandpa, "papaw," passed away after a long battle with cancer. He was a great, godly man that we will truly miss. It would have been about a 10 hr. drive if we would have driven straight but we stopped at Mark's parents,"pops and nana's" in Tennessee. I will post pics later.

Luke has been especially fussy and clingy the past few days. He started having a low grade fever on Monday. I attributed it to teething,(he now has one top front tooth poking through). But on Tuesday, when his fever got to 103, I took him to the doc. She said he has an ear infection. She also checked him for the swine flu because it is going around here alot,especially since school has started. Thank the Lord, that was negative. So, we've been giving him amoxicillin. She did prescribe him a new antibiotic that was stronger and would work faster than amoxicillin, but he did not tolerate it that well and puked it up,along with everything else. So, along with his teething and ear infection, he has not been a happy camper. It is so difficult giving him medicine because he is so stinking strong I seriously can hardly hold him down. I searched the internet on ways to give kids medicine(I was desperate) and I came across one way that seems to work. I hate doing it but I really have no choice. I sit on the floor and put his head between my thighs to stabalize it and put his arms under my legs so he won't move them. It's pitiful I know. I hate it. At least its only twice a day. Hopefully he wont' remember it when he grows up. Wesley is pretty good at taking medicine now and will drink it from a cup on his own. Hopefully, Luke will do that too when he gets older:)

Luke is officially a toddler now because he is toddling around everywhere. I remember when Wesley got at this stage where it was a challenge to take him places in his stroller because he wanted to get out and walk. Well, Luke is getting at that stage now. He is showing his little independent streak too. Whenever he is walking and I try to hold his hand to guide him which way to go, he jerks it away. It may also be because he uses it to balance himself. When we pick him up when he's walking to direct him a different way, boy does he get mad. I think we have 2 independent boys on our hands.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Luke's 1st haircut

I took Luke to get his first haircut yesterday. He sat in my lap and did real good. Wesley got one too and he also did really good. Here are the pics.


After. He had this cowlick in the back that I was just afraid to cut and I didn't know what to do with it. Wesley has the same cowlick. He looks like such a big boy now!

Wesley made a train in the kitchen with the chairs.

He was reading a book to his stuffed animals and went and got all of them a book and put it in front of them.
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Monday, August 10, 2009

MRI results

The results from the MRI was that I have a couple of bulging discs, something called an "annular tear," in one of the disks, and a little arthritis of the lower spine which is what "degenerative disc disease" is. I have another appt. this week with a different doctor, a spine specialist on Thursday. I think I have problems with my neck too because I've been getting numbness and tingling in my right arm and hand and also my ear, which probably means my "occipital nerve," at my upper neck is pinched. I've also had a lot of headaches which I don't get much. I will probably have more x-rays and maybe another MRI done. I've been really worried about this and not sleeping well, probably from anxiety. This will be the last I talk about this today because it makes me have more anxiety the more I talk about it. Just please keep me in your prayers. Thanks.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

First Dentist appointment

Well, Wesley had his first dentist apt. this week and I wanted to get a picture of him in the chair but that did not work. We took him to a pediatric dentist and I assumed I would be able to go back with him when they called him. So, he was all prepared for me to go back with him. Well, when they called his name, they said they don't allow parents back there unless they are hysterical. I was like "oh great, this is not going to be pretty." They have a big window where the parents can watch them getting their teeth cleaned. Wesley was crying and crying. I felt so bad for him. He was pitiful. He was really scared and my goodness, they should let the parents go back especially if this is their first time. Mark didn't think I should go back there but I couldn't just let him cry like that. So, I told them at the front desk I was going back there. I could tell the dental hygenist was aggravated that I had come back there but I didn't care. Anyway, a long story short, after alot of crying and whimpering, he was fine. As we were walking out he said, "I dont' know what's wrong with me." The lady heard him and laughed. When he was waiting in the dentist chair he kept saying "I don't want to go to the dentist ever ever again." At least we have 6 more months to prepare him for next time.

Wesley is pretty much potty trained now, I am happy to say. He is doing real good. I still put pull-ups on him whenever we're out just in case. But he still goes. He usually only has a wet pull-up when he wakes up in the morning. For some reason, he would rather go in our bathroom than his own. I think everyone around us in church heard him announce this morning that he had to go.

Luke is just as cute as he can be when he walks. Of course he always is but especially when he walks. Tonight he was trying to chase Wesley while walking but Wesley is still a little too fast for him. He is 11 months old today. One of his favorite things to do right now is play in the toilet. We try to always keep the door closed but we are not always successful in doing that. This week I couldn't find Luke and went in there and he the floor was wet everywhere from the toilet water. He knows how to open the lid and close it by himself. The toilet tissue was also all over the floor too. Luke is saying,"mama,dada, and uh-oh."Here are a few pics.

Daddy and Wesley looking in the big window at the dentist.

Wesley & Luke playing with the toys at the dentist. Wesley not wanting to share.

Playing a new game I got for him called "mighty mind." He loves it.

This is what our kitchen floor looks like after the boys eat. When Luke decides he doesn't want something, he just drops it on the floor.
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Saturday, August 1, 2009

As I was giving Wesley and Luke a bath together in the tub tonight, Wesley said something real cute. Right when I took Luke's diaper off to put him in the tub, Luke peed. Wesley thought that was real funny and said he was going to do it to in the tub. I told him that he is a big boy and baby luke is still a baby and doesn't understand yet not to do that. I said that when Luke gets older, he will be able to be like his big brother and not go in the tub anymore. Wesley then said, "when baby Luke gets bigger, he will be another Wesley." I just thought that was kinda cute.

Today was the first day that Wesley went to the potty every time without going in his pull-up. I actually let him wear his big boy underwear too for some of the day. I still have to tell him to go and sit down on the potty and at least try and he always did without complaint, which is huge for him!