Friday, July 31, 2009


I know the grandparents read this blog so I thought I was post about something Wesley did this morning. Just out of the blue he said, "I love Pa,grandma,Pops,& Nana and I want all of them to come to my house." Just thought it was cute and am thankful that he & Luke has a close relationship with all of their grandparents.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

At Luke's appointment today he weighed 25lbs. 14 oz. and was 30 inches long. I think he was a little longer because his leg wasn't straight when they measured him. I'm going to measure him tommorow to make sure. They have gotten it wrong before, so we'll see.

My mom and dad came today to watch the boys because I had an appointment at the orthopedic doc. He took more x-rays and said I was really stiff in my pelvis. He said I didn't have any arthritis in my hips though which is good, but I did have some arthritis in my lower back. So, he wants me to have an MRI done. He thinks all of these problems I'm having may have more to do with the muscles and soft tissue than the bones, and that will show up on an MRI if that's the case. The only thing is that the MRI is about $1700! We don't have the greatest insurance, with a $3000 deductible, so we will have to pay all of it.

Well, on a more positive note, Luke is pretty much walking now. He still falls down on his little bottom, but he's doing great. They are so cute when they first start walking, how they put their arms up in the air for balance. I was kind of sad tonight when I was putting him to sleep, rocking him, thinking how he will probably lose his baby fat soon. I had better relish all of these moments now because they will soon be gone.

*REVISED* We measured Luke today on his changing table and he is actually a little over 31 inches.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hungry 3 year old!

Wesley has really had a big appetite lately. He must be going through a growth spurt. It seems like he is constantly saying,"I'm still hungry," even though he may have just eaten not too long before. I can't imagine how it will be when they are both teenagers!

Luke has his 9 month check up tomorrow, even though is is 10 1/2 months. The doc's office canceled like 3 times because she was going to be out, probably on vacation. I just heard on the news tonight that they have closed a daycare here in our town because 20 kids had flu-like symptoms and 2 of them were confirmed as the swine flu. Some kids at some church may also have it they said after they traveled to tennessee. Makes me a little nervous. They said the vaccine won't come out until around October. Here are some recent pics.

Wesley in the rain with his "Cars" umbrella that "aunt meggie and uncle daniel" gave him.

The boys playing games on the computer. Well, Luke is really watching Wesley playing games:)

Everytime I took a picture of Luke this time, he would make this face because of the light on the camera.

Wesley can now pull Luke in the wagon with his tractor. Luke loves it but Wesley not so much because he has to go on the "slow gear" when he pulls him.
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sharing a room

Tonight as I was in Wesley's room about to leave after singing to him, he said he wanted baby Luke to come in there with him. I told him baby Luke was already asleep in his crib. We keep telling him that when baby Luke gets bigger we will get them bunk beds and Wesley will sleep on the top and Luke on the bottom, and they can share a room. He always seems excited about that. We'll see if he's still excited when it actually happens:)

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back Pain

I haven't posted about this yet because I was hoping it would get better. I've been having alot of back pain lately, since Luke has been born.Actually since he's been born my back has completely gone out probably about 6 or 7 times. When I say "gone out" I mean I can hardly do anything, even pick up Luke. Mark has to stay home and help me because I can't do much. Basically I just sit on a heating pad. Well, I finally went to the chiropractor last month and she took x-rays and told me I have degenerative disc disease. It's where the discs in your back degenerate and get closer together. I think I only saw one disc in my lower back right now that is doing that. Anyway, so I've been going once a month to the chiropractor to get adjusted. Well, this week my back was giving me troubles again. It didn't completely go out this time but now I have alot of pain down my leg into my foot which is called "sciacta." It also seems to be a little bit in my right hand, but not as bad as my leg. So, we had the x-rays sent to an orthopedic surgeon and I will probably have an apt. next week with him.

Alot of this I feel has to do with my pelvis, which is all connected to my back. When I was pregnant with Wesley and Luke, I had alot of pelvis problems. The doctors, my obgyn, always just said that it was normal pregnancy pains but I had a feeling that it was more than that. The chiropractor told me I do have a misaligned pelvis, which could be the cause of some of this back trouble. When I was in 7th grade, I fractured my tailbone and that might have been where all of this started from too. It took like a year before I completely healed from that. So, if you would, please keep me in your prayers. I am too young for this to be happening and it makes it hard to take care of my boys and play with them and be active the way I want to. Also, we wanted try to have one more baby, but I don't know if I will be able to seeing that it got worse when I had Luke. I haven't asked the doctor their opinion on that yet, because I am really not emotionally prepared for their answer yet. Thanks.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Being the wife of a pastor

I just happened to find this video on youtube. It's really funny! You really have to be a pastor's wife to fully get it but it can still be funny. Enjoy.

Friday, July 10, 2009


We went to this park this afternoon close to our house called Pirate's Cove. It has been raining alot here this week so it hasn't been as hot as it had been, so we thought we would get outside for a while. Pirate's Cove is just like a nature trail/wood park. It doesn't have playground equipment or anything but you can just walk around the woods or through the woods. We did both. Well, as we were walking around the woods, we told Wesley for us all to race. So, we did, as Mark pushed the stroller with Luke. Wesley was running so fast he fell on the concrete and scraped up his knees pretty bad and hurt his hands too, even though there was no blood on his hands. So, he cried and cried. Wesley has always cried alot. One time when he was about 1 1/2, he just would not go to sleep. Nothing was wrong with him, he just wanted to stay up. He eventually ended up crying himself to sleep after 2 hours! He tends to make a mountain out of a mole hill sometimes. The walk back to the car was about 20 minutes. So after we got home, about 30 minutes later,and still crying, I put some medicine and bandaids on it and he immediately stopped! I think he thinks so long as he can see the booboo, in his head, it still hurts. It was kind of cute, when he stopped that is.

Then, later this afternoon, Luke was pulling himself up on the kitchen table and lost his grip and hit his head on the leg of the table. So, he has a little goose egg on his head.
Luke is also taking more steps now. He is taking about 5 or 6 steps before he falls down. He'll be walking before we know it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Trip to Target

I will go ahead and apologize that this post may be too much information for some of you. Sorry. Something happend yesterday when we went to Target and I thought I would post about it seeing that my previous post was about potty training. I took Wesley and Luke to Target yesterday to get a few things. Well, Wesley started to tell me he had to go poopoo in the potty. I really didn't think he was going to go seeing that he would have to go to the big potty and hasn't sat on that yet without his little potty seat on it, but I wanted to take him anyway just in case. Well, he kept insisting, as I was trying to hurry up and get everything I needed. He also was telling everyone we passed that he had to go poopoo in the potty. So, we got to the bathrooms and Luke is in the buggy, and all the stuff I was going to buy was in there. They have a sign on the door saying do not take any merchandise that hasn't been purchased in there, so I took Luke out and left the buggy outside. So, after Wesley told 2 people sitting on the bench outside the bathroom that he was going to go poopoo in the potty, we went in and Wesley still hasn't quite gotten the idea that he doesn't have to take off his entire pullup and pants to go. Well, he did and threw it on the bathroom floor along with his crocs he slung up. He did finally go! So, I'm trying to wipe him off with toilet paper as I'm holding Luke at the same time, because I didn't want Luke crawling on the nasty floor. Let me just say it is quite difficult wiping a 3 year old's behind and helping him put his clothes back on while holding a 25lb. 10 month old, who wants to get down. Anyway, it was interesting but was glad Wesley did it.

Another thing Wesley did at Target was someone had dropped some popcorn on the floor and Wesley decided that he wanted to pick it up and eat it. Well, he had already swallowed it when I told him to spit it out. Anway, here are some pics of Wesley and Luke at about the same age. They look alot alike. Their face shapes are a little different and so are their ears. Wesley has Mark's ears and Luke has mine. Mine stick out a little at the top too but you can never really tell because of my hair. They also both have dimples but Wesley's isn't as noticable as it use to be.

Wesley at about 10 months old.

Luke at about the same age in the same shirt.

Wesley at about 13 months old. This is the only one I could find of Wesley smiling that was closest to 10 months.
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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We are going to go see fireworks tonight. They don't start until 9:30 so I'm sure that will be an interesting day tomorrow at church for the boys. Mark's parents are here visiting for the weekend and my parents came down just this afternoon and to see the fireworks with us. I hope everyone has a great 4th of July!

Here are some more pics.

Looking out the door

Wesley wrote his name all by himself. I was so proud of him but he doesn't seem interested in doing it again.

Luke with his cute dimples!

I thought this was a cute picture. Little brother looking up to his older brother.
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It's been a long time!

It has been a long time since last time I posted. So sorry. Alot has happened and we've been busy. We went to a braves vs. yankees baseball game in June with my parents and Daniel and Megan. We took Wesley with us and left Luke with a lady from our church. He did real well. He's starting to have "separation anxiety" so I was a little worried about how he would do, but they stayed at our house most of the time so I think that helped. Everyone had fun at the game, for the most part:) We got there about 2 hours before the game started to watch them practice. Wesley was doing real good until the game started and when the stadium got more crowded. He did not like the loud noise & held his hands over his ears so for most of the game my dad walked around with him. But then later, he came and and was fine and was enjoying himself. So, I'm hoping he's just a little extra sensitive to noises, as I always was, and nothing serious.
This was on the top level of the stadium. They had a kids section where they could run the bases. Wesley could have done this all night. He fell right asleep on the way home.

The happy times in the stadium!

Luke is crawling everywhere now and will probably be walking soon. Wesley is really starting to enjoy his little brother, except when he plays with his toys. They laugh at each other all the time. Wesley now tries to give Luke his bottle sometimes at bedtime. He wanted me to leave the room so he could do it "all by himself" but of course, I couldn't do that.

We are still working on the potty training. It is proving to be very difficult to say the least! Wesley has gone #2 in the potty now but just doesn't want to go anymore. He doesn't want to go at all #1 or #2.Anytime I ask him if he wants to go, he starts whining saying he doesn't have to. Sometimes I'll make him go sit on it and he will go, only after complaining alot. So, I don't know if I'm doing the right thing or not. The other day, Luke went #2 in his diaper and right after that, Wesley did the same thing in his pull-up and came out with a smirk on his face and told me he did just like baby Luke did. Then the other day, I told him to go sit on the potty and at least try and he stood there and peed in his pull-up with a smirk on his face. Should I give him a spanking for doing this deliberately? I don't know if that would be right or not. They say they will do it when they are ready but I'm beginning to wonder if that's true.

Luke asleep
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