Sunday, September 20, 2009

Cute Sayings

Just thought I'de post about some cute things Wesley is saying. Since Luke's b-day party, every night when we pray, Wesley prays and says, "thank you Jesus for baby Luke's presents and b-day cake amen." Cute. Wesley has been getting up at about 6 every morning. Sometimes even 5:30. I ask him why is he getting up so early. Sometimes he says he's scared of the shadows and sometimes he says he's hungry. We may just have to start doing away with his naptime and let him have quiet time instead and see if that helps. He may just be getting too big for naps now. We put him down at about 8 and he lays there for about an hour or so until he goes to sleep. I should have known that when Luke starts taking a nap at the same time Wesley does, now Wesley doesn't need one.

Another thing Wesley said was I was reading to him in the bible about how Jesus was baptized and he kept saying "I want to go baptized." I think he was kind of getting it confused with swimming. I told him when he gets a little older and after he has asked Jesus into his heart, then he can. He also wanted me to read one of his books about Easter the other night and I was talking to him how Jesus went up on a cloud up into heaven. Wesley then said, "I don't ever want to go to heaven." I told him yes he does and he said, "no I don't." I just left it at that.

Luke got these squeaky shoes for his b-day from "uncle daniel and aunt meggie." I wish I could get him on video walking so I could post it on here. Maybe I'll figure out how to do that one day. Today at church Luke did not want to stay in the nursery. He is starting to go through that "separation anxiety" phase. Even though now that can be aggravating at times, I know I'll look back and think that he just wanted me. They grow up so stinking fast.These are precious times that I'll never forget and always cherish.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Pops, Pa, Wesley, Luke and Violet.

Grandma with an elmo birthday hat on.

Megan and Violet chillin'.

Luke diggin into his cake. That's as messy as he got. Not very messy if compared with Wesley:)
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009