Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sick Baby

We took Luke to the doctor yesterday because he was up all night Sunday night crying. It all started with just a runny nose which I assumed at first was just allergies because Wesley has the same thing right now. Well, he then started to have a lot of congestion in his chest and started coughing alot. He was pitiful and I felt so sorry for him. Anyway, we found out he has an ear infection, so we have him on an antibiotic and a decongestant. I was just concerned because Wesley didn't get sick until he was a year old. I guess I just have to realize that they are two completely different little people and things will happen to them differently. He still has alot of congestion in his chest. Hopefully ,this medicine will help.

Oh, some of you may already know about this website, but I found this website, www.starfall.com, that helps preschool aged children, even younger, learn how to read. It uses phonics and is great. Just thought I'de recommend it. Also, we like to go to fisherprice.com, and play their online games. They have alot of educational stuff too. Just go to fun & family time and then go to fun & games online.

Friday, January 23, 2009


Both in their diapers. Hopefully, not that much longer:)

Their first bath together.

Luke asleep in his car seat.

Luke holding his teddy bear in his crib.
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It's been a while

It's been forever since I last posted. I'm getting bad about that. Well, everything is going pretty well around here. Wesley has a little bit of a runny nose, probably allergies and the weather,being so cold. Thankfully though, its getting to about 70 today. He can't stand to blow his nose so when he woke up during the night last night, because he was so stopped up, I was forced to use the nasal aspirator thingy.

Luke had his 4 month check up last week. He was 19lb.s 5oz. and was 27 1/2 inches tall! Which is on the 94th percentile for height and the 97th for weight. I told Mark if we have another one, and its a boy, then he will probably be off the charts, because they tend to get bigger. At this age Wesley weighed about a pound and a half less and was half an inch shorter. Luke has a little big of eczema on his face and the doc told us to put vaseline and lotion on it but I think he's going to need a steroid cream. If it doesn't go away, I will be calling back to try to get a prescription. Luke is a good baby. He smiles alot but yet we still cannot get a picture of it. Everytime we take a picture of him smiling, our camera takes forever & when he sees the light, his eyes get real big with a serious look on his face. I'm sure we'll get one one of these days. He laughs on occasion, which is just so cute.

We put Luke in the tub last night with Wesley for the first time. We put him in his bumbo thing. I held on to it the whole time to make sue he didn't topple over. Wesley really seemed to enjoy it. Luke loves looking and watching everything Wesley does. Wesley noticed that he was smiling at him and he got a kick out of that. I think he's gradually, slowly, starting to enjoy being a big brother.

Wesley talks alot now. Some things he's doing now is whenever he is upset, he'll say,"I'm upset." Then a few second later when he feels better (or when he gets what he wants), he'll say, "I'm happy now." At church several weeks ago, Sunday night, I keep Wesley in the service with me and we sit in the back. He's getting pretty good about staying in there. He loves putting offering in the plate. Well, this Sunday night I didn't have any and I told him, "mommy doesn't have any money." Well, that made him upset and he announced it to the whole church, "mommy doesn't have any money, mommy doesn't have any money." So, now that everyone heard him, a lady said, "let me give that poor child some money." So, she gave him some, thank goodness. When he puts it in he says, "it goes to Jesus," which everybody thinks that's just the cutest thing, because everybody hears it of course. Another thing that keeps his attention is that we sit right next to the sound booth and when he starts getting bored, I get that Sunday's bulletin, and tear it up piece by piece so he can go throw it away in the trash can in the soundbooth. I know. But it works.

We went up to Mark's parents for New Year's and had a good visit. I told Mark we're going to have to go up there next time when its warm because every time we go up there, its seems to be cold. That way we can do more stuff outside. I love warm weather but Mark, would rather be cold. Another cute thing Wesley did that nana told me was when she was reading his books to him, he was talking about how a pillow they have in their room is black and white. Then Wesley said, "I'm white." I couldn't believe it. The only thing I thought of that would make him said that is that I was singing to him a few weeks earlier "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world, red and yellow black and white......" And they I told him how Jesus loves all the children no matter what color they are and I told him he was white. It's amazing what they remember. I'll post some new pics later.