Thursday, February 28, 2008


I haven't updated in a while so I figured its time. I know I'll look back on this years down the road and really be glad I wrote about the little things. Wesley is saying more and more words every day now. We were concerned there for a while b/c he seemed to be a little behind in his words. But now, it seems like he says a new word everyday. He knows most of his colors, the primary ones that is, and can point out a few letters of the alphabet. His obsession right now is with snakes,worms, and ants. He knows which of his books has them in it and he flips and flips until he finds it and says "nake", or "woom." He still doesn't really know the difference between a snake and a worm though. He'll always go "oww" when he sees one b/c I've told them they might bite him if he's not careful. He is needing a haircut, so I'll probably take him soon. We'll see if he sits by himself this time or if he still want to sit in my lap. I have a feeling he'll want to sit in my lap.

I had my latest doctor's apt. on Tuesday. I will be 12 weeks on Saturday. It was probably the quickest apt. I have ever been too. We heard the heartbeat and the doc said everything looks good. I guess one reason its faster is I don't have a long list of questions like I did the first time.

I don't have any new pictures to post this time but will soon.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Recent Pics

Here are just some recent pics of Wesley. The first one is of Wesley & Ava, a little girl from church, at a restaurant. She's about 8 1/2 months younger than Wesley. The second one is of Wesley playing the piano at church. The third one is of Wesley reading to his bear. He wanted him in the chair with him. The fourth is of Wesley in the church nursery Sunday morning.



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