Thursday, August 28, 2008

Cousin Violet

My sister-in-law Megan, my mom, dad, and cousin Violet came down a few weeks ago to visit for just a few hrs. and I haven't had a chance to post about it yet. My brother couldn't come b/c he was in a wedding in north or south carolina (I don't remember which one). Anyway, in these pictures she was 5 months old. She is a really good baby and doesn't fuss much at all. She seems very content. Megan just had her ears pierced recently, you might be able to tell in the pictures. Wesley did real well around her, I think it was just because he had pa to occupy him. He did give her several kisses, when we asked him to, but of course, every time I took a picture, our camera delays and it never actually got him kissing her. I was aggravated by that. Oh, well, We got some other good pictures. We enjoyed the short time they were here.

I had my 37 week apt. Wednesday. I am not dilated any yet. Did find out I had some other issues, I won't mention b/c it's too personal:) If you want to know, e-mail me:)Anyway, enough of that. I'm wondering if I'll have him the same time I had Wesley. I've kind of been planning on it being that way, even though you never know. I'm guessing around September 7,8,or 9th. We'll see. I'm getting more and more scared about the delivery. I'm scared the epidural won't work this time or something, even though it worked very well with Wesley. I'm not one of these women who wants to do it all natural. I have nothing against them but it is not for me. God created people smart enough to invent and come up with these medicines that have done wonders for people. Why would you want to be in pain if you dont't have to? That's just my opinion. Well, here are some pictures of when Violet was here.

My mom, Violet, Wesley, and my dad.

Me, Violet, and Mark. How do you like her big bow?

Wesley wanted me to take a pictures of his truck a lady gave him from church.

I love this hat.
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Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I had my 36 week appointment today. We brought Wesley along b/c I have wanted him to listen to the heartbeat. He was very good at the doctor's office and was very fascinated at the heartbeat. His eyes got real big when he heard it. I was very proud of him b/c he was so good in the waiting room when some other little girl, probably his age, was being VERY BAD and was trying to take his cars away from him saying they were her cars. Her mother was not paying attention and I just wish I could have given her a good spanking, b/c she needed it. Anyway, everything was fine and I go back next week. I went to the hospital about 2 weeks ago b/c I was having contractions and just didn't feel good at all. Found out that I had a UTI and had to take antibiotics for that. They said urinary tract infections can cause you to have more contractions and may cause you to go into labor, so I was glad I went. I had never been to the labor and delivery at this hospital, b/c I had Wesley in Tifton, so I was glad I was able to see this part of the hospital, and know what to expect.

I have my bags pretty much all packed and am really going through a nesting phase now. It's like I have to have everything perfect and in order before he comes. I know when I'm doing too much and need to sit down and rest, b/c I have more contractions when I walk. But, it's very hard to b/c I want to get everything done. I am just praying and trusting God that he will take care of everything, in which I know he will.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Haircut Success!

Mark took Wesley today to have his haircut. I didn't go b/c I thought it would be better for just Mark to take him, seeing that Wesley wants to sit on my lap and I have always had to physically hold him down. I don't think I could do that now being this pregnant. Anyway, Mark said Wesley walked right up to the chair & sat in it, ALL BY HIMSELF, and didn't fuss the whole, entire time. He just sat there! I couldn't believe it when he told me. I wonder if it has something to do with me. I don't know. Maybe he tries to be tough around daddy. I was just thrilled that he sat there without any problems, BY HIMSELF! Well, here are some pictures of his new dew. We got it cut shorter this time, just to try something different. He looks so much older to me now.

He's getting better about smiling in pictures now.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Pregnancy Pics

I figured I had better take some pictures of me when I'm pregnant or I'll regret it later. So, here they are. This was just a few days ago at 34 weeks 2 days.

I had my doctor's apt. Monday and everything was fine. I start going back once a week now. I guess every doctor does it differently. It seems like I didn't start going once a week until 36 weeks with Wesley. These are the boring appointments where you wonder, "well, when is it going to happen"?

Yesterday, I was in the backyard with Wesley. The heat index was over 100. Anyway. The water in Wesley's pool was hot, so I needed to change it. Mark wasn't here so I had to figure out how I was going to do it. It has a drain in it but it did not work too well so I tried stepping on the side of it and letting the water out. It's one of those inflatable pools. That worked for a little bit but then wasn't working anymore. So, I was trying to flip the pool over. It can be quite heavy when there's water in it, especially for a pregnant woman. So, I took my sandals off and stepped in, and didn't realize how slippery the bottom of it was. Well, I slipped and almost did a complete split but thank the Lord, I didn't completely fall down. Well, with all the pelvis pain I've been having, that sure didn't help any. So, last night and this morning I could hardly walk. I was suppose to go to a funeral today in Tifton, the hispanic pastor from our church, pastor Martinez unexpectedly died of a massive heart attck monday morning. He was only in his 50's. He was a great man and I really wanted to go to show my support for the family, but was just too sore to go. He was the kind of man that was always on the go and never rested doing the work of the Lord. He was full of energy and we will greatly miss him. As I'm writing this, the pain is gradually getting better and isn't as bad as it was last night and this morning. My dad was planning on coming today anyway so he could watch Wesley and let Mark and I go to the funeral, so, he still ended up coming just to spend time with him and to let me get rest some.