Friday, March 21, 2008

Things I love about Wesley

I figured this would be a good post to do and look back on years from now b/c I might have forgotten all the little things.
1.)Wesley does this thing now where if he points to something that's mine he'll say "mama." If he points to something that' Mark's he'll say "dada." It could be a shoe, a sock, mark's tools, a chair(that we mostly sit in at the table),anything. He also says "Wes-wee" for his name. If something's his he'll say that. I just thought it was cute.
2.)He loves to take his blanket, pillow, and teddy bear all around the house. He'll randomnly lay down and start making snoring noises. He also does that some nights when we put him in his bed for bedtime.
3.)He's never been much of a cuddler, & every night Mark & I usually rotate putting him down by reading a book(or 2 or 3 or 4), praying, and rocking him. He hardly ever goes to sleep while we're rocking him, just enough to get him sleepy. Well, during that time, he is sweet & cuddly and likes to give kisses sometimes. So, that is a time that Mark & I really enjoy.
4.)He loves laying his head on our cat "Tiger." I taught him that when he was real little b/c Tiger purrs alot and you can hear him purr better when you lay on him. He also loves pulling his tail:)
5.)I love how he says "puple,pease,tank uw,& uh-oh" to everything. For clarification that is "purple, please, and thank you."
6.)He gets his yes's and his no's mixed up so he'll say no when he clearly means yes, or vice versa. Like I'll ask "do you want your cup?" He'll say no and run to the refrigerator. Or, after he gets hurt somehow and is clearly upset I'll say "did you hurt yourself?" or "are you allright." He'll say "no."
7.)He is obsessed with smoke coming from anything,mainly the muffler of any vehicle. So, anytime now we pass any type of vehicle, he'll point to the back of it and say "moke."
8.)He says "no-no" to just about anything. When he knows he's not suppose to be doing something, he'll run and find me and say "no-no" and come show me what he did.
(I'm sure there's alot more that I'll think of later.)

Here's Wesley laying his head on our cat Tiger listening to him purr.

This is at our egg hunt at church. Wesley kept trying to throw the eggs back where he found them.
Here's dadda and Wesley working on the bathroom. Mark is working on putting up bead board.
Wesley in our dog Molly's bed.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Violet Faith Miller

Here are 2 pictures of Violet. We still haven't been able to see her in person but my dad sent them to me. They were able to go home yesterday from the hospital and seem to be doing good.
Here's Violet & Megan.
Here's Violet by herself.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Ice Cream Truck in March!

Just thought I'de do a quick post about Wesley's first experience with the ice cream truck, & yes, in March. We were in the back yard, enjoying the longer days, when we heard the sound of what sounded like the music from an ice cream truck. It seemed like it was far away at first but seemed to be getting closer, so I ran in and grabbed some money and we went out the front door. I now wish I would have had my camera. Well, we ended up getting 2 small ice cream sandwiches which were belive it or not called "wesley." Imagine that. Wesley's eyes were filled with excitement the whole time. Long after the truck had left, he still kept saying "bye-bye."

Also, my brother and sister-in-law had their baby girl, Violet Faith Miller, today in Murfreesboro TN. She was born late morning, early afternoon,(I'm not sure on the time yet) & weighed 7lbs. 9oz. and was a little over 19 inches long. It ended up being a c-section. I can't wait 'til we can see her. I'll post pictures as soon as I get them.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Home Again

We got back from St. Simons Thursday evening. It was a good trip. The ride their was a bit hard though. For some reason, Wesley was having a tough time sitting still. He didn't want to watch any of the dvds we had brought for him and he ended up not even taking a nap that day, Tuesday. Since he's been born he has always taken a nap, even if it was just 30 minutes, so this was the first time he has never had a nap. We were concerned how he would act but once he saw pa, he was fine. He slept very peacefully both nights, which we were thankful for. Sometimes, when we go away on trips, he wakes during the night and wants in the bed with us so we usually make exceptions on trips away from home. But we didn't need to this time. He enjoyed playing in the sand, even though we didnt' stay long on the beach b/c it was windy and chilly.

This is of Wesley on the balcony at our hotel. (Sorry its a little dark)
Here, Wesley & my dad are swinging at he park by the beach.
Mark and myself.
My dad and Wesley on the beach.
My mom,dad,& Wesley at a garden at Epworth by the Sea.

Monday, March 3, 2008


We are leaving tomorrow to go on a retreat our church district has every year. It's for pastor's and their spouses "Ministerial Team Retreat." It's at St Simons Island and we'll be back Thursday. The weather is suppose to be mild, in the upper 60's, but since its close to the beach, will probably feel alot cooler. We're bringing Wesley with us, since my mom and dad will also be going. They say to arrange for childcare before you leave, so I hope they don't excommunicate us from the church:) But, my mom & dad are our childcare.